5 Tips to Combat Sciatica Pain During Pregnancy
Before you begin a program or regimen to relieve your sciatica, it's necessary that you see your doctor first to understand the underlying cause of your pain. Sciatica has multiple origins and the tips you will receive here is geared more toward helping you with Piriformis Syndrome and SI Joint Dysfunction, as these are two of the most common causes of pain during pregnancy. This list serves to inform you and guide you to relieving the pain and gaining back your daily function. If your doctor gives you a list of exercises to alleviate your pain, make sure to follow those exercises fully and ask to incorporate these exercises with that list.
After you understand the root cause of your pain for sciatica, you can begin to address the problem with a mix of stretching and strengthening the surrounding muscles.
1) The first and best thing you can do if your pain is caused by the piriformis is to stretch.
Stretch your glutes (picture on the left).
Stretch your hamstrings (on the right).
You can do both of these exercises in a chair once you reach the 2nd and 3rd trimester.
Stretch your quads.
Stretch your hip-flexors.
For variations in these stretches, send an email to cr3ation.fitness@gmail.com and you will be given stretches that will meet your specific needs.
2) Fire-Hydrants and Bird-Dog
Fire Hydrants will strengthen your glutes, which will help to prevent sciatica pain.
Lift one leg bent at 90 degrees while keeping your back straight. Hold for 3 seconds. Release slowly back to neutral. Repeat 20 times.
Bird-Dog is geared toward strengthening your core stability and lengthening your back muscles.
Lift your opposite arm and leg straight out while keeping your core tight. When you do this your back should be flat. Hold for 3 seconds and return to neutral. Repeat 20 times.
3) Triangle Pose and Child's Pose: Hold each for 45 seconds. Complete on both sides if possible.
Triangle Pose (on the left).
This pose is great for release the psoas muscle that gets tight when you sit.
Child's Pose (on the right).
This will help to lengthen your back and stretch out your shoulders.
4) Glute Bridge
This exercise strengthens your glutes, which will take pressure off of your lower back.
Hold this exercise for 45 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
To modify, you can complete a glute bridge using a medicine ball if you are further along than 20 weeks.
5) Avoid sit-ups and crunches, and any exercise that involves excessive twisting at your hips.
If you are feeling any type of pain in your hips, glutes, or back, there is a good chance that you also may have a diastasis recti, which is cause by your stomach muscles separating to make room for your growing baby. Sit-ups, crunches, and any excessive twisting with sudden impacts or weights can cause your symptoms and pain to increase. If you do have a diastasis recti, talk to your doctor about this and avoid these exercises throughout the remainder of your pregnancy as well.
If you'd like to start an individualized program geared toward preparing you for childbirth, and safely stay healthy and strong during pregnancy, fill out the form below and a 15 minute consultation will be set up to go over your goals and exact needs before starting your program.
If you have any questions regarding the best exercises for pregnancy you can join Cr3ation Fit Moms on Facebook for some awesome tips and you can email us at cr3ation.fitness@gmail.com for more help.